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发布(bù)时(shí)间:2020-04-14 06:13:09
浏览次(cì)数:746 次
摄(shè)像头 前(qián)摄像头500W    后摄像头1300W
MTK芯片 MT6755VC八核1.5G
显示(shì)屏 4.7"HD IPS
屏幕分辨率 720(H)×1280(V)
触摸屏 电(diàn)容屏(píng)多点触(chù)摸(G+F﹢F)
SIM卡槽 三卡(大小卡)
频率 B1、B2、B3/B4、B5、B7、B8、B17/B20、B19、B34、B38、B39、B40、B41、注意、B3/B4不同时存在(zài)、B17/B20不同时存在
内存 ROM64G     RAM4G
蓝牙 支持 4.0(MKT四合(hé)一)
Wifi 支(zhī)持 IEEE802.11ab/g/n
NFC 支持
FM 支持
U盘功能 支持
存储卡 支持 Micro-SD(最大32G)、排热插拔
三轴G-sensor 支(zhī)持
三轴陀螺仪 支持
距离/光传感器 支持
GPS 支持(chí)
AGPS 支(zhī)持
手电(diàn)筒(tǒng) 支持
扬声(shēng)器 双喇叭大功率喇叭
功能键 3个、分别是:menu 、 键返回键(jiàn) 、 home键
侧键 5个、音量调节2个、开关键、PPT键、SOS键
电池容量 5000毫安
USB 支持、Micro  USB  5pin
耳机 支持、3.5mm、左右地麦克
充电(diàn)器 支持、使用(yòng)USB接口
OTG功能 支持外接鼠(shǔ)标、键盘
内置语言 多国(见软件)
情景(jǐng)模(mó)式 支持(chí)  (标准、静音、会议和户外4种模式)
媒体播放器(MP3、MP4) 支(zhī)持(chí)MP430帧
网络(luò)应用 本地搜索、3W浏(liú)览器、天气预(yù)报、Google搜索、Google地图、 导航、G-mail、Market、Google Talk、支持(chí)OUTOO同步、日历同(tóng)步
VPN接入(rù)点 支持(chí)
录音 支持(支持通话双向录音)
立体声耳机 支持
视频(pín) HEVC decoder 1080p@30fps                                                                        H264 decoder:Baseline 1080p@30Fps/40Mbps
H264 decoder:Main/high profile 1080p@30Fps/40Mbps
Sorenson H.263/H.263 decoder:1080p@30Fps/40Mbps
MPEG-4 SP/ASP decoder:1080p@30Fps/40Mbps
DIVX4/DIVX5/DIVX6/DIVXHD/XVID decoder:1080p@30Fps/40Mbps
MPEG-4 encoder:Simple profile D1@30fps
H.263 encoder:Simple profile D1@30fps
H264 ecoder:high profile 1080p@30Fps                          
HEVC encoder:Main profile 720p@30fps
音频 Audio content sampling rates supported:8kHZ to 192kHz
l  __Audio content sample formats supported: 8-bit/16-bit/24-bit, Mono/Stereo
l __Interfaces supported: I2S, PCM
l  __ External CODEC I2S interfaces supports 16-bit/24-bit, Mono/Stereo, 8KHZ to 192KHZ.
l __ 4-band IIR compensation filter to enhance loudspeaker responses
l __ Proprietary audio post-processing technologies: BesLoudness (MB-DRC), BesSurround, Androrid built-in post processing
l __Audio encoding: AMR-NB, AMR-WB, ACC, OGG, ADPCM
l __Audio decoding: WAV, MP3, MP2, AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, MIDI, Vorbis, APE, AAC-plus v1, AAC-plus v2, FLAC, WMA, ADPCM
l — Voice wakeup

1. Due to high-frequency electromagnetic waves, ordinary mobiles phoness will generate radio frequency sparks, frictional sparks due to friction, sparks generated by the device's own fire and battery explosion, and other dangerous factors will become a source of ignition, resulting in Company property and personnel safety.
2. Because explosive mixtures are commonly found in production, processing, storage and transportation in coal, petroleum, chemical, textile, food processing and other industries, ordinary mobiles phoness have become a very strong source of safety accidents in these places. If an explosion occurs, it will give Companies and personnel bring incalculable losses and injuries.
3. Explosion-proof mobiles phoness fundamentally solve the problem of ignition sources. The appearance of explosion-proof mobiles phoness is no different from that of ordinary mobiles phoness, but the materials and physical characteristics used are very different from those of ordinary models.
4. The manufacturer has adopted a variety of explosion-proof technologies, such as intrinsically safe circuits, limiting the maximum surface temperature of the enclosure, and using "dust-tight" or "dust-proof" enclosures to limit dust ingress, etc., to prevent the explosive mixture from being ignited, making the explosion-proof mobiles It can be used safely in the above hazardous environment.
5. Explosion-proof mobiles phones adopts three-proof technology, dust-proof, drop-proof and waterproof.

深圳市德立创新安全设备有限公司官方网站 版权所有 粤ICP备18117436号 友情链接:德立创新(xīn)防(fáng)爆设备新地标环保恒品贸易